ps2 debugging station免改機直讀備份片
在網拍花了大約一千元,買到一台未改機的ps2 debugging station,型號是DTL-H30100,這台是開發用的PS2,我先前找到的資料,是說開發用的PS2可以直接讀取備份片,可是真的買來以後,發現根本不是這麼回事。於是上網找了許多資料。
DTL-H30102U: 120V AC. PAL. Says "TEST" on top. Plays any retail PSX game in PAL format. Plays any burned PSX game in PAL format. Plays any retail PS2 game regardless of region. Plays burned PS2 disks only if patched as master. Comes with Sony Hard Drive. Comes with Network adapter. Offically supports network play. It's a system designed to test european games in america.(
Plays burned PS2 disks only if patched as master
意思是它可以讀燒錄片,但是要patched as master,從這裡找線索,又找了一些資料,發現Loser's PS2 Disc patcher這套軟體,可以將ps2的燒錄片,patch成master,就可以在ps2 的debugging station直讀備份片了。這個檔案相當難找,因為ps2已經是過時的東西了,大部分的連結都失效了,花了我近一天的時間,終於找到了下載點。馬上試用,真的可以讀取。
以下是Loser's PS2 Disc patcher的說明文件,主要是提到它可以patch成不同區域,就是可跨區,也可以play discs on debug ps2 station:
This program can patch psx and ps2 cd and dvd images for different regions.
It also supports the patching of the main exe filename for psx and ps2 cd
and dvd images.
It can patch discs to make them appear to be 'master discs'.
(Lets you play burnt discs on debug PS2s!)
oO Images Types Supported Oo
Psx (mode 2) cd images that are either 2048 or 2352 bytes per sector.
Ps2 (mode 2) cd images that are either 2048 or 2352 bytes per sector.
Ps2 dvd iso images.
Ps2 dvd gi images.
(cd and dvd images with image headers are supported as long as their 'bytes per sector' format is supported)
- 將原版的ps光碟片,以iso製作工具,製成iso檔。(可參考這裡:介紹及比較兩個免費製作iso檔的工具)
- 再將下載下來的Loser's PS2 Disc patcher解壓縮。
下載點(擇一下載): - 執行Loser's PS2 Disc patcher。
在Image Filename的地方,載入上面步驟一所產生的iso檔。載入後,Loser's PS2 Disc patcher會自動判斷ps2光碟的格式及區域等資料。 - 請在Master disc的地方打勾。
- 在Region的地方,改成您主機的區域。(這裡我不是很確定,我用美國職棒大聯盟 MLB 09 The Show的iso檔,讀出來的區域是America,因為我的ps2主機是日規機,所以我改成Japan,實際上是可以跑的)
- Exe Filename這裡,我可是找了很多資料才會填的,這裡指的應是Loser's PS2 Disc patcher要進行patch的執行檔,那ps2光碟裡的執行檔是那一個呢?把ps2原版光碟,放到電腦裡,在根目錄下,裡面有一個SYSTEM的檔案,用記事本打開,可以看到這一行:
SCUS_976.44就是執行檔了,所以把它填到Exe Filename的空格裡。 - 再按下patch,大約過三分鐘,就完成了。再把patch完成的ISO檔,燒到光碟裡,就可以了。(我是用酒精以DVD+R用最低速燒)
不過是否每個型號的ps2 debugging station都能這樣使用呢?可能不同型號有不同結果。不過目前我猜想DTL-H30XXX的型號應該是可以用patch master的方式,達到直讀燒錄片的功能。
I think it depends on what model it is. Some will run burned CDs and DVDs, some won't . The forums has a section about these units and is reasonably active. The site is mainly for collectors of obscure dev hardware like this, but some of the people on the site actually like to use them. PS2DEV may have information about your TEST unit, but I haven't been on the site much.(