2015年9月14日 星期一

Use engSearch with Dropbox

1: Enter the word you want to search in your documents.
2: Click the search icon and the result will list on the left side of the screen.
3: Click one document in the list, the content of the document will show up on the right side.
4: Long press the content to select words.
5: Click this book icon on the top of screen, then the second picture below will show up.

1: Swipe to cut tab.
2: The word “cheese” you got from the document shown in the first picture.
3: If you want to add some notes, you have to click this button to switch to edit-mode.
4: Type the words you want to add.
5: Save it.


Once you save any note, you can manage your note. Please do this by executing “menu->open notes”.


1: On the bottom of the screen, you can enter a keyword or date or just leaving blank. (if you leave the input area blank, it will list all notes)
2: Click search button.
3: The note you just input will be listed.
4: Click the upload button, all the notes will save to Dropbox.

When you first use Dropbox, You have to login in with your account. Press Ok to continue.

Log in to Dropbox.

Then the second screen asks you to allow access to your account. Please authorize this request.

After you log in to Dropbox and authorize this app to access your account. Click download or upload button again. The process will  start.

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